our history

I was reading on BBC

Some shit I found scary

That lebanese kids are barely

Studying their own history and to me it seems

Another casualty of colonialist hegemony

The institution providing us with the illusion that

After the 40s we were free

I was descended and fermented from the sap of a cedar tree

Empire reshaped and women raped

The crusades that created me

You see, my ethnicity incidentally a product of war

Like opium narcotics as a problem of the poor

More of a social order fabricated by France

From the time of Black September that instigated Palestinian refugee camps

To obscure identities culturally preceded

Smuts Balfour and McMahon relentlessly lied and cheated

Arabs receded and defeated by their own consent

By relinquishing all vestiges of revolutionary dissent

Fast forward 60 years and tied to a bomb

Strapped to go and ready to blow

Though little do they know my MO

Is the wild lovechild of Sykes-Picot

Don’t you know they don’t want us to ever have peace

In pieces our countries ceased and our bodies in streets

Nation’s rations of occupations operation

To where Gibran woe’d each aberration that saw itself to be a nation

This abomination ain’t innate, the politics was planned

When France and Britain drew some lines in the sand

And on each land had a king for every command

Though route to India’s spices + Iraq’s oil lie in geographical splices

Across the Suez canal to launch the turmoil o’er the Suez crisis

Dictatorships and proxy leaderships spread like a virus

And from the legacy of brutality proliferated ISIS

Talking history to ourselves we cannot lie

For we got Uncle Taleb’s + hypocrites on our side

Since the beginning when Muhammad was sought by the Quraysh tribe

That ripped profits off of prophets even at that time

Al lubna, a name not coincidental but incidental

In its instrumental tribute to the color white

A trite representation of the white-washed plight

That darkened the narrative that we can’t even write

Because how might you write it from your vantage point when you ain’t got no language?

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